Thursday 22 March 2012

Sometimes I wonder about the importance of being...

As I promised, I'm bloggin' again...Here's the result of painstaking work on a 70x100cm Arches watercolor paper. It's been really really time consuming and soon I found myself living in the work, considering that it's all about death and skulls (but not only that), not exactly a daydream! But with hindsight I can say it was worth it all, it's been a big challenge and I'm happy all went as I planned and imagined. Illustrating death was even more challenging, as definitely we're talking about one of the most famous and thusly rapresented theme in the history of mankind. There's been many masters and artists who have given a deeply strong connotation to the representation of death, hardly likely to be avoided and ignored so easily, not to mention the fact that a tarot that it's supposed to picture death has to refer to all death imagery as quickly as possible, a very hard job if you want to reinterpret it forgetting all what it carries. For the time being I can show only few details, keep an eye out for the whole piece!

Saturday 10 March 2012

I've just undertaken a massive work. Is gonna be a 70x100-piece or something around that. Spending loads of hours on the paper (yes, ON the paper), this is gonna be part of a show due to be held from June in Turin and then in Milan in the next months. 22 artists will illustrate 1 tarot card each, fate got me Death card, is not gonna be bad! pics coming in the next posts...