Monday, 8 September 2014

I was asked by Boh!? Pub to create a custom sign for their event called Boh!? Circus. Work in progress sneak peek...

hi there! Yes, I'm still here…back from the summer break…well…not exactly a break. Many many things have happened in the previous months and I've been so busy looking after them all. Pretty intense summer "not-break". One of the most exciting news is that I'm moving to Padua, beautiful city in the North-East of Italy, just 20 minutes away from Venice…I think I may be spending many hours lost in the floating magic of the Venetian water.
I've been working on several projects and managed to to some personal artworks as well…mostly paintings…on all kinds of supports. I feel stronger and stronger the need (and urge) to have a physical approach to my works, mixing colors, handling the support, the brushes, let things/accidents happen and have a tactile feeling with what I'm doing, feel my thoughts in my hands…my dirty hands, not in an ethereal cloud or digital dimension.
Later on I will be posting some more stuff…in the meantime…let's start again!